Andy Treadwell
Group Scout Leader 5th Northfleet
Having spent some time in preparation for District Hike, with sessions in our hall and a ‘trial’ run to Camer Park the week before, Scouts from 5th Northfleet were not to be deprived of their opportunity to gain their Expedition Challenge Award by the last minute cancellation of the event. Despite Darren’s (ADC Scouts) best efforts there were a distinct lack of teams entered for
the District event by the closing date so we did our own thing and hiked from Kipling Hall to Hopehill via a circuitous route, camped overnight in 5 acre field then hiked back via Luddesdown, Cobham and Istead Rise arriving back at Kipling Hall tired but still in good spirits, just before the rains came.
One team from Kipling Explorers also completed the course looking after themselves and leaving notes to mark their progress.
We therefore crowned ourselves District Hike Champions for both Scouts and Explorers and are currently negotiating the presentation of the trophies with Darren.
My thanks to those leaders, James, Darren, Del Jarvis, and Daniel Griggs who followed our team around and to James Treadwell who put the route together at the last minute.
Also to those members of District who accommodated last minute Hopehill booking and NAN forms.
So as Delia Smith once famously said (for those who go back that far)
‘Where are you, let’s be ‘avin you, come on!’
next year – 26th to 27th September.
Andy Treadwell
Group Scout Leader 5th Northfleet