Henson Appleby
Gravesham District Commissioner
DC’s BLOG December 2019

Well here we are, 12 months on and what an experience it has been! Like any job and particularly roles in Scouting, you never know quite what is around the corner or what will happen next! (Understatement of the year!!). I guess that’s what makes all our roles so intriguing and is probably one of the main contributory factors to us signing up for what can sometimes feel like an immense amount of unpaid responsibility!
I can honestly say the last 12 months have been a massive education and learning curve to say the least! What has really come out of it all is the commitment and dedication of both the adult and young leaders across Gravesham, who give up their time to supply Scouting to our younger members. It’s hard to describe, but without question, each and every one of you I have had the pleasure of meeting genuinely believes in what they are doing. We have some very strong and forthright characters working alongside those who are less inclined to voice their views, preferring to beaver away in the background making things just “happen”. The combination of us all is what constitutes “Gravesham District” and it is something we should all be extremely proud of.
This year has seen completion of the archery & shooting ranges at Hopehill which appear to be being used by more and more of you on a regular basis. Our next target is to refurbish the Madelaine Allen Toilet Block for which plans are being drawn up as we speak.
September saw the launch of our new Gravesham District Website which is proving to be increasingly popular. Constantly evolving and improving, hopefully getting all the information our members need out there in an informative and interesting format. Even I can use it!!
So onwards into 2020 which sees the re-launch of 11th Gravesend (St Mary’s) Scout Group in January. Hopefully this will start to take the pressure of some of the District wide waiting lists and will steadily grow to become an additional asset to us.
Finally, thank you to all the team who have supported me so ably throughout my first year as District Commissioner. I won’t mention any names individually at the risk of accidentally missing someone out, but suffice to say without the help and support of each and every one of you I would most definitely not have made it!!!
So a very Happy Christmas to all of you and I hope 2020 brings you all another exciting year of Scouting across our District.
Henson Appleby
District Commissioner