Henson Appleby
District Commissioner - Gravesham District
I am delighted to announce we have awarded two District Commissioner’s Commendation Awards for outstanding service to Scouting in Gravesham, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic & lockdown period.

In no particular order…….

The first has been awarded to Alan Skelton for his continued dedicated hard work in supporting the property, grounds & general interests of Hopehill. Alan has continued to visit the site on a regular basis during the lockdown, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Scout Association, and single-handedly continued with essential maintenance & repairs.

The second has been awarded to Dave Moesli for his dedicated hard work in supporting the Leaders, Helpers, and Explorers within our District, during what has been an extraordinary and challenging period of time for everyone. Dave has coordinated on-line leader's meetings and supported the leaders in an exceptional manner.
Both Alan & Dave have displayed a genuine and positive attitude towards everyone they have dealt with. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate them both on receiving these tokens of our appreciation and gratitude for all they have done in the name of Scouting, hoping these awards go some way towards recognising them.
If you know of anyone else who has gone “above and beyond” in their scouting during the lockdown period then please let me know on dc@graveshamscouts.org.uk
Henson Appleby
District Commissioner - Gravesham District