Dave Moesli
District Explorer Scout Commissioner
Gravesham’s Explorer Scouts are now holding District meetings every Monday night during lockdown with all four Explorer units coming together during this extraordinary time.
This week’s meeting had a musical theme with the Explorers and their leaders invited to bring along and play a musical instrument. In fact, the instruments played ranged from the humble kazoo and recorder, through assorted keyboards and guitars to the classical violin and clarinet, so there was plenty of variety. Although this was a fun evening, we also uncovered some unsuspected talent among the Explorers; it will be great to get the same group together at some time in the future to hear them play in the flesh rather than via a laptop. Let’s hope that opportunity comes sooner, rather than later.
To increase the fun element we also had to guess the names of the tunes being played and I’m pleased to report that most were recognised quite quickly, even those that fell into the “heavy metal“ category”.
Dave Moesli
District Explorer Scout Commissioner