Come and Join Us to Celebrate
HOPEHILL’S 70TH +2 & the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
At the District “Platinum Birthday” Camp

When: Thursday 2nd to Sat 4th June 2022
(with the option to stay until Sunday if your group wishes)
Where: Hopehill Scout Campsite
Who: Everyone involved in Gravesham Scouting.
(Beavers Friday/Saturday only - Squirrels on Saturday)
Cost: to be advised
Outline plan (details will emerge once they are finalised).
Camp Plan (timings are in Scout Time and subject to amendment)
Thursday 2nd June 2022
- Groups and Units can arrive during the day to set up camp prior to the opening ceremony, entertainment and beacon lighting at dusk.
Friday 3rd June 2022
- 10am: Platinum Challenge Activities (with lunch break included) – details to be released March 2022.
- 5pm: Dinner Break
- 7:30pm: Campfire & Entertainment
- 10pm: Start of Quiet Time
Saturday 4th June 2022
- 10:00am: “Celebrate” Themed Scouts Own
- 10.30am: Birthday Celebration – Each group to run a side show/game for others to join in with a birthday picnic lunch during the day
- 5.30pm: Flag Down and Closing Ceremony – Those groups who wish to depart, or depart their young people may do so.
- 7:00pm: For those who want to stay Saturday evening – a “Bring your own BBQ” &
Games/District Social event.
Sunday 5th June 2022
- Strike Camp – Those who stayed overnight - depart during the day. Those who departed
Saturday can come and remove their equipment
What to do now:
- Email to register your groups interest in the event
before 31st December 2021 – please send group name, GSL (or camp leader) contact
information, which sections will be participating. Please note – Starsky & Hutch are not
available for booking. Also the building is blocked booked for Beavers overnight on
Saturday (unless they are in tents)
- Booking opens 1st February 2022 - no payments due until the event.
Pat Duncumb
Gravesham District Secretary