Lots of adults (actually 93) in the District have ongoing training (Safety and / or Safeguarding) needing renewed by 30 September. When HQ shortened the renewal period to 3 years, the end of September was the new end date chosen for anything that was shortened.
How do I know if I need to do this?
· Ask your GSL
· Look on Compass
· Ask Fraser
How do I do the training?
It’s all online on this page: https://www.scouts.org.uk/volunteers/learning-development-and-awards/training/learners/modules/getting-started-training/
What do I do after I have done it?
Please take a screenshot / photo of the certificate and send it (email, whatsapp, carrier pigeon, etc..) to
· A training advisor
· Fraser
· HQ
And the rest of the ‘Getting Started” training…
If anyone needs to complete Essential Information, GDPR or Trustee Introduction, these also need to be completed by 30 September. All the information above is the same for these modules
What about First Aid?
The current extension to the requirement to hold a valid first aid certificate will end in January 2022. You have the following options to complete First Aid…
· Complete 3 Zoom modules (or a single 6 hour module) and a brief (20 minute) face to face validation – book via Kent Scouts
· Complete an external First Aid Course (eg First Aid at Work)
· Wait until we can offer an in-person course in Gravesham (hopefully in the Autumn) (or County can offer a face to face course as well)
When you have a certificate, please send it to Fraser or a training advisor

Any questions? Please get in touch.
Deputy District Commissioner (& Local Training Administrator)