Scout/Explorer Service Day and Backwoods Camp - Blog
This year we had lots of different jobs to assist the service team with from the ever-growing Hopehill jobs list.
The main jobs that the Scouts and Explorers under took was to check all of the equipment within the Pioneering store and check each piece due to the roof of the container having a small leak, this lead to a number of ropes and other items that can be damaged by water to be deemed unserviceable, while the remaining items was allowed to dry off in the sun, we all assembled a crack team to shift lots and I mean lots of logs from the bottom footpath on the east side of Hopehill woods. A super team of scouts completed the task of removing the ever-growing ivy that grows on the buildings next to the woods, without this job being done the ivy can damage the brickwork and any woodwork that is on the building.
As the day progressed the Scouts and Explorers was getting the taste for working as a number of small teams in using ropes and old canoes to get the logs from the bottom of hurricane hill up to the footpath so they can then be processed and used around Hopehill.
From the piles of logs that was generated I would guess that around 5 ton, this is my best guess, but I will be corrected if anyone wants to analyse the images of logs that was moved up the hill.
From all the jobs that was completed this all led to a full hard days work by the 24 Scouts/Explorers and 10 leaders, so in short I would like to thank all the Scouts/Explorers and leaders that turned up to lend a hand and give something back to Hopehill.
Backwoods Camp
This year the troops/units had the decision do they camp for 1 night or 2, this gave me some great needed time to catch up with the other leaders around the district. So as per normal following a hard day of work around Hopehill all the scouts/explorers and leaders descended into the wood to make what sort of resembled a migrant camp, there was hammocks, tarps, improvised shelters an even a couple of tents, to top it all we had a great camp and survived all of the hard work.
On the Saturday evening the scouts and explorers had the chance to have a go at the laser tag game, this was made into a little competition between the scouts and explorers to see who could outsmart each other in winning the games, it was great to see the scouts and explorers enjoying a laser tag game together.
Darren Stanford
Assistant District Commissioner -Â Scouts
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Scout/Explorer Service Day and Backwoods Camp - Blog