Dear All,
I can now confirm what face to face Scout activity is allowed when England comes out of lockdown this week. This will apply throughout Kent.
From the beginning of Wednesday 2 December all tiers in England will be in Amber for youth provision, for those under the age of 18. The Government and the National Youth Agency have confirmed that youth clubs and activities will be permitted at all three tiers in England, as services such as Scouts are essential to the development and wellbeing of young people, and should continue wherever possible.
As a reminder this means: • You can meet with up to 15 young people (aged under 18), plus 5 adults. • The session can take place outdoors or indoors, but must be socially distanced. • Face coverings should be worn by anyone of Scout-age plus when indoors. Adults delivering an activity to young people aren’t required to wear a face covering. However, face to face programme activities for members of Scouts who are over 18 is in Red everywhere in England – this means that there can be no face to face section meetings for Network. Other volunteers over the age of 18 can meet in-line with restrictions in your tier for adults meeting together, to carry out essential volunteering tasks like campsite or building maintenance.