57th Easter Hillcraft
At the start of the Easter holidays the 57th (we think!) Hillcraft trip took place, our
annual hillwalking trip to the Lake District.

This year we had 33 Scouts and Explorers from Gravesham, 7 Gold Duke of
Edinburgh participants and 33 adult volunteers making sure everything ran smoothly
from leading the teams in the hills, managing base camp and driving the minibuses
around each day!
Throughout the week all our teams undertook a variety of walks, all suited to their
abilities. There was plenty of peak bagging, cave visits and even ice creams

The weather was certainly varied this time around (being end of March/early April
probably didn’t help!) – experiencing sun, rain, winds and even snow at points!
Some of our young people got to experience nights in the hills, far away from the
busy towns up in remote locations. Carrying all their kit required – tents, food,
clothes, sleeping bags – they would do a full days walk before getting to their
overnight location, then complete another full days walk the next day before reaching
their end location and returning to base camp. Overnighters are an amazing
experience in the hills that we hope that all our participants at Hillcraft will aspire to
when they are ready and capable.

Another experience included scrambling, which is a bit more of a technical skill
where use of hands is involved to manoeuvre yourself, but isn’t as full on as actual
rock climbing. On the final day 3 of our teams took on the formidable Sharp Edge, all
completing it, giving a huge sense of achievement. To see the scale check out the
image below.
Hillcraft isn’t all hardcore adventure though! Our teams are built around the
capabilities of the young people. Some of our teams are introduced gently to the
aspect of hillwalking with smaller, more achievable walks – reaching small peaks,
visiting caves, mines and other iconic locations in the Lake District.

All our teams learn new skills whilst we are in the hills - navigation, teamwork etc.
Hillcraft is all about growing our amazing young people in Gravesham and giving
them experiences that they just wouldn’t get elsewhere.

Hillcraft is a fantastic event, but without the commitment of a large number of
volunteers, all with varying experience in the hills, it wouldn’t happen. I want to pass
on a huge personal THANK YOU to every volunteer that helps make Hillcraft happen
year in year out. Without you guys we wouldn’t be still doing this 57 years after it all
In the fairly near future, information for our Autumn Hillcraft event, which takes place
in October and this year will be taking place in Snowdonia, will be out. It’s 4 days
aimed at continuing the education of skills in the hills and introducing our young
people to hills, but staying in a bunkhouse! Keep your eyes peeled for that!
Dave Norris
Hills Team Lead
57th Easter Hillcraft