Gravesham Scouts Subs for 2024
The Annual Membership Subscription (AMS, formerly known as capitation) is made up of
payments to Scout Headquarters, Kent County, and Gravesham District.
Scout HQ has announced a £2 increase in their subs this year. Kent Scouts and
Gravesham Scouts are keeping their subs the same as last year. The total payable will
therefore be £52 per young person (£37.50 for UKHQ. £12.50 for Kent and £2 for
Gravesham) on the census.
This will be payable to District by groups by 15 March. As in previous years, we will be
collecting subs net of the prompt payment discount. Sue will send out a confirmation of the
amount due in February once the census return is agreed with County.
We expect there to be a rebate of £14.50 (Kent and Gravesham subs) for growth over last
year, but this will be paid out when we have confirmation on the calculation from County.
Fraser Patrick
Lead Volunteer - Gravesham Scouts
Gravesham Scouts Subs for 2024